Wise Men Still Seek Him

The wise men really, really wanted to know the truth. They weren’t going to put off finding out the truth about God. They asked, “Where is the newborn king of the Jews?” The only way they could know this truth is that they had studied the Scriptures. That’s the only way they could know about the prediction that a Messiah, a Saviour, the Christ would be born.
Are you seeking Jesus? Wise men and wise women still seek Him. The Bible says if we seek Jesus with all our hearts, we will find Him. If you focus on finding Him, you cannot miss Him. God will not let you miss Him if you are that serious about seeking Him. The wise men were willing to go to any length to find the truth. You will become wise if you do the same.

The wise men exerted considerable effort to find Him. They travelled a great distance. Scholars believe that it might have taken them a journey of up to four months to come to Bethlehem. And it came at great expense to make the journey for they brought gold, frankincense and myrrh.
We are in a time of history when most people don’t have time for the birth of Jesus, or even His death or resurrection. We have time for entertainment, for sport, for our jobs, for our friends but little time for Jesus. We have compartmentalized Him into a formal hour-long service on a Sunday morning.

The really wise people of our generation know that He can be found if we truly seek after Him. The Bible says, And you will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. (Jer 29.13). You don’t have to be an intellectual giant to be wise. You don’t need a string of degrees. You don’t need a truckload of knowledge. You need simple faith, “Anyone who wants to come to Him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek Him. (Heb 11.6 NLT).”

Wise men still know that Jesus is the answer to the sin problem in the world today. We cannot save the world through political parties. We cannot save the world through education. We cannot save the world through scientific experimentation. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. As the Apostle Peter said, There is salvation in no one else! God has given no other name under heaven by which we must be saved. (Acts 4.12 NLT)

AUTHOR: Nico Bougas

Nico and Bee Bougas are currently serving as missionaries with Hellenic Ministries, a mission to Greece and the nations. They are acting as International Coordinators developing the work around the globe.

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